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Quantum Love & the Science of Entanglement

Quantum Love & the Science of Entanglement

Perry C. Douglas
July 26, 2020

The black hole is a region of space where gravity is so strong that nothing—no matter, particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from its darkness.  The black hole is an inescapable domain whereby the forces of negativity pull you in; never to escape.  However, unlike space, humans are perfectly capable of escaping their “own-black-hole,” through positive spirituality, along with well-considered and logical decision-making.  A balance between intuition and logic.   
Once you decide to no longer accept darkness as your fate, you can simply call upon the light, which is love, to set you free!  Love is the most powerful force in the universe, love is an unstoppable quantum force!  It can pull you back from the gravitational trajectory of the darkness.  Love transcends darkness, allowing your own bright light to shine through, the guiding light of purpose and love, enabling you to see around that dark curve.  Love is hope!   
There is no such thing as a point of no return when you exist in love.  So change your mindset, harness the power of love, and your world will change from darkness to very bright light.
This may all seem easy enough to say, but is it not hard to do?  ‘Hard’ is a relative term.  In Psychology Today, Ellen McGrath’s article “The Power of Love,” talks about how love is the best antidepressant, and the less love you have in your life, the more depressed you are likely to feel.  McGrath likens depression…as one lacking love. The hearts and minds of depressed people don’t understand that “love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen.”  She contends that most depressed people don't have love within themselves, and don't know how to manifest it, accordingly, they can't attract love from others.  They tend to be extremely self-focused individuals, making them inherently less attractive to others.  Such a predisposition is “not attractive,” it does not attract the positive frequencies in the universe.  The knowledge matter acquires and learns as it travels through space is utilized to attract other matter, to entangle, and create directional forces.  Matter can push or pull itself away from each other in space, similar occurrences take place with human entangled relationships.  People often say that an individual can have “bad vibes” and should be avoided, so, just like in space, quantum negative frequencies repel those with negativity.  Your core frequency is what radiates in the universe every day, it is who you fundamentally are, and it is impossible to mask.  One's negativity pushes away the genuine opportunities for positive or loving relationships. 
McGrath also points out that there is a mythology in our society, whereby people believe that love just happens, like magic, it comes out of nowhere—love at first sight.  This is a wrong assumption according to McGrath. Consequentially, the depressed who just sit around passively waiting for someone to come and love them, find that it seldom ever happens.  McGrath shows that in order “to get love and keep love you have to go out and be active and learn a variety of specific skills.”  In other words, one must get out there and engage in love-positive behaviours and actions, engage in entangled relationships in order to become “attractive” to other forms of matter (people.) Entanglement is the quantum force that creates love, the dynamic functional movement flows within the entangled world, in which we exist.  
Most of our ideas about love, according to McGrath comes from popular culture, often a gross misinterpretation of the universe.  People come to believe that love is magic, its ok to believe in magic, but it won’t help you find love, anytime soon!  Pop-culture's idea about love consists of unrealistic images created by the entertainment industry, “which is one reason why so many of us are set up to be depressed.”  The constant misrepresentation of love is driven by images of instant gratification.  Love instead, is hard work, focused, complex entanglement within one’s own unique part of the universe—love always takes place within one’s own relative space and time. 

McGrath gives us action strategies to get more of what we might want out of life—to love and be loved!  

·      Recognize the difference between limerence and love. Limerence is the psychological state of deep infatuation. It feels good but rarely lasts. Limerence is the first stage of mad attraction whereby all the hormones are flowing, and things feel so right. Limerence lasts, on average, six months. It can progress to love. Love mostly starts out as limerence, but limerence doesn't always evolve into love.
·      Know that love is a learned skill, not something that comes from hormones or emotion particularly.  Erich Fromm called it "an act of will."  If you don't learn the skills of love you virtually guarantee that you will be depressed over a lack of love. 
·      Learn good communication skills. They are a means by which you develop trust and intensify connection. The more you can communicate the less depressed you will be because you will feel known and understood.

As Erich Fromm pointed out, love is a learned skill, an act of will, just like matter must acquire knowledge of other matter to interact or connect in space.  Humans must also engage in entanglements to find meaningful relationships.   The core differences between two people, will always surface, so getting knowledge of the other is critical in loving one another.  The essential task is to identify those differences and negotiate them towards a better relationship—love is work!  Making an effort to understand where the other person is coming from, and to make that connection—requires work!  When the entanglements are known, the relationship can better find its quantum flow, a common ground that settles and appreciates the relationship for both—coupled quantum love. 
Quantum faith becomes an elevated state of consciousness and understanding and caring for each other—this is love, scientific!  Caring for one another and making the most of your combined common ground, in your mutual relative time and space, is to exist in an optimal fused state of relativity—the conscious state of real enduring love, not infatuation or pop-culture love.   


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